Carova Golden Retrievers 

Phone: 757-202-9393
mail: carovagoldenretrievers@gmail.com
- Exploring sounds and shapes
- New textures and climbing expereinces
- Gabby teaching puppy kissing
- Walking the bridge.
- Sleep and grow time
Carova Goldens are raised in our home and provided with mental stimulation and physically challenging activities that develop body and mind.
Great beginnings with me, and continuing education with you, equals unlimited possibilities for the future.
Carova Dogs As Family Members ( First Job)
Carova Dogs As Conformation Dogs
- Molly picks up a major
I am a very lucky breeder. Every family I have placed a show dog with are new to the sport of showing dogs. I am thrilled to be able to introduce them to a sport that few really understand. As you can see from above, Carova dogs swim, roll in mud, do therapy work. In short, they live life to the fullest and are family pets above anything else. Some owners enjoy sitting back and watching their babies while others enjoy a more hands on approach and show their own dogs. Come join the fun and meet life long friends along the way !!
Carova Dogs As Therapy Dogs and Service Dogs
- Aubrey and Buddy
- Buddy the service dog
- Kathy and Webber taught children to read at Salem Elm . School
- Webber working
- Beth and Theo passing CGC
Carova Dogs Take to Dock Jumping and Obedience Venues
Meet Professional Dog Trainer and Breeder, Nancy Cronce CPDT-KA (retired)
I prepared for six years before starting the Carova Golden Retrievers Breeding Program.
As a professional dog trainer, I know how important the breeder’s role is in helping puppies get through developmental stages and off on the right foot.
A Little Extra Information:
Member of the Golden Retriever Club of America Represented by Cronce Family Member ( Current)
American Kennel Club S.T.A.R and Canine Good Citizen Programs Evaluator( Current )
Certified in Principles and Techniques of Behavior Modification ( Purdue University DOGS Course) No expiration date
Certified Veterinary Assitant
AKC Breeder of Merit
Member of Good Dog ( vetted breeder)
In addition to breeding I hold the following certifications and memberships.
Certified Professional Dog Trainer ( Retired )
Former Certified Veterinary Assistant /Former Trainer Mentor for the Animal Behavior College